Bible for kids – Colorin tells the Bible: the 4 books

Colorin tells the Bible books for kids

I present to you my first series of four books for children: Colorin tells the Bible.

A Bible for children illustrated and told like never before by Colorin the unicorn, easy and fun to read for all children.

Colorin Tells the Bible for kids

Why a Bible for children?

The Bible remains the most read and famous book in the world and throughout history. That is perhaps the most important reason why everyone should know at least what it says.

But it has also had a great influence on our entire culture. For example, our calendar is based on the year of Jesus’ birth. And we still use many expressions in our daily lives that have their origins in the Bible, such as “washing one’s hands,” for example.

That’s why, for my first collection of children’s books, I wanted to tell the Bible for children like stories. So that the little ones know about this book, so that they know its most important stories, so that they know its most famous characters, and for the important moral lessons.

If you want to know in detail more reasons to read the Bible with children, I invite you to discover my 5 reasons.


Books for kids: Colorin tells the Bible

Colorin tells the Bible – Genesis –

The first book of the Bible for children narrated by Colorin the unicorn and explained so that everyone can understand the most important aspects of the world’s most read book, from the creation of the world to the story of Joseph the dreamer, not forgetting Noah’s Ark, Abraham and his sons, and much more.

Colorin tells the Bible - Genesis - Paperback
Bible for kids - Colorin tells the Bible - Genesis -
Colorin tells the Bible - The arch of Noah
Bible for kids - The Arch of Noah

Colorin tells the Bible – Exodus –

The book of Exodus narrated by Colorin the unicorn and explained so that everyone can understand the most important tales from the world’s most read book, from how baby Moses was saved to the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt and the delivery of the Ten Commandments by God.

Colorin tells the Bible - Exodus - Paperback
Bible for kids - Colorin tells the Bible - Exodus -
Colorin tells the Bible - Moses passing through the sea
Bible for kids - Moses passing through the sea

Colorin tells the Bible – Stories of the Bible –

The most famous stories from the Bible for children, told by Colorin the unicorn, such as the story of David against Goliath, King Solomon, Samson and Delilah, Jonah and the whale, Daniel and the lion’s den, Queen Esther, Jonah and the whale, and many more.

Colorin tells the Bible - Tales of the Bible - Paperback
Bible for kids - Colorin tells the Bible - Stories of the Bible -
Colorin tells the Bible - David versus Goliath
Bible for kids - David and Goliath

Colorin tells the Bible – The story of Jesus –

The story of one of the most incredible men in the world and probably the most famous. The Son of God, Jesus. From his birth to his resurrection, how he met his apostles, the miracles he performed, his friends, and much more from his life.

Colorin tells the Bible - The Story of Jesus - Paperback
Bible for kids - Colorin tells the Bible - The story of Jesus -
Colorin tells the Bible - The birth of Jesus -
Bible for kids - Colorin tells the Bible - The birth of Jesus

With these children’s books, you will get to know the most important characters from the Bible, from Adam and Eve to Jesus: Abel and Cain, Noah and his ark, Abraham, Isaac, and their descendants to Joseph the dreamer, but also Moses, David, Goliath, Daniel, King Solomon, Jonah, Queen Esther, Jesus’ friends, and apostles, and many more.

I also invite you to explore my Bible stories for children in my story section. They are short stories with moral lessons from some of the most famous Bible stories. You can read them with your family on my blog or watch them along with other videos on my YouTube channel, Colorin tells.

And you can visit my children’s books section to discover all the books I have already published or those that will be coming soon.

More info?

Colorin el unicornio

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