Biographies For Kids – Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women

Biographies for kids

The Colorin Tells the Life of Men and Women Series

I present to you my collection of three biographical books for children: The Colorin Tells the Life of Men and Women.

A series of biographies for children, illustrated and narrated like never before by Colorin the unicorn, easy and fun to read for all children.

The biographies for kids of Colorin Tells

Why Biographies for Children?

But first, what is a biography?

Biography comes from the Greek words “Bios” and “Graphos,” which mean “Life” and “Writing.” So, the word biography means “The writing of a life“.

A biography is the written narrative of a person’s life. Many biographies are about famous individuals or those who have been significant in history, but anyone can write their own.

Why Biographies for Children?

We’ve already seen that a biography is a written account of a person’s life. Knowing the lives of individuals who have changed the world or pursued their dreams is very interesting for children.

It allows them to learn history from a young age

They can see examples of many people who had an impact on the world. Perhaps they will be inspired by them and want to be the new Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, or Bill Gates.

Colorin Tells the Life of Men and Women is a collection for children that is fully illustrated with text adapted for little ones.

Biografías para niños - Colorin cuenta la vida de hombres y mujeres
Biographies for kids - Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women

Books for kids: Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women

Portada Colorin cuenta la vida de Hombres y Mujeres - Que inspiran

Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women – Who inspire –

Biographies for children about historical and contemporary figures who inspired, and continue to inspire, our world and millions of people.

Discover the lives of Gandhi, Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Rigoberta Menchú, and Malala Yousafzai as told by Colorin the unicorn.

Biografías de hombres y mujeres que inspiran
Portada Colorin cuenta la vida de Hombres y Mujeres - Que siguieron sus sueños

Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women – Who followed their dreams –

Biographies for children about historical and contemporary figures who pursued their dreams and never stopped fighting until they achieved what they wanted.

Discover the lives of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Vincent Van Gogh, Amelia Earhart, Walt Disney, Frida Kahlo, Bill Gates, and Jack Ma as told by Colorin the unicorn.

Biografías de hombres y mujeres que siguieron sus sueños
Portada Colorin cuenta la vida de Hombres y Mujeres - Que hicieron historia

Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women – Who made history –

Biographies for children about historical and contemporary figures who made history and succeeded in changing our world, our society, and our ways of thinking.

Discover the lives of Buddha, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, and Coco Chanel as told by Colorin the unicorn.

Biografías de hombres y mujeres que hicieron historia
Colorin tells the lives of Men and Women

You can also find Colorin Tells Mini-Biographies, all my biographies with very fun activities to help retain the story.

Colorin Tells the Life of Men and Women

A series of 20 biographies for children, illustrated and narrated by Colorin the Unicorn, so that everyone can understand and be inspired by the lives of some of the most extraordinary people in history.


With these children’s books, you will get to know some of the most incredible people in our history from Buddha to Malala Yousafzai, but also Leonardo da Vinci, Frida Kahlo, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Galileo Galilei, Bill Gates, and many more!

I also invite you to explore my children’s stories in the stories section. You can read them with your family on my blog or watch them along with other videos on my YouTube channel Colorin Tells.

And you can visit my children’s book store to discover all the books I have already published or those that will be coming soon.

More info?

Colorin el unicornio

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