Hello Colorins! Today I’m going to tell you the biography of Galileo Galilei for kids, one of the most famous scientists in history for inventing the telescope and for his theories about how the Earth revolves around the sun.
You can see the audiobook “Colorin tells Galileo Galilei” for kids on my YouTube Channel.

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The biography of Galileo Galilei for kids
On February 15, 1564, Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy.
Galileo was a happy, restless, and mischievous child. He was very curious about the universe and spent a lot of time looking at the sky and counting the stars.

As he grew older, he started studying medicine at the University of Florence, but he didn’t like it and decided to study mathematics.
At the age of 25, he worked as a professor at the University of Pisa. And years later, a former student told him about the existence of a new Dutch invention that would change his life forever.

From that day on, he dedicated himself to improving the device he had been shown. He had given it the name “telescope,” and Galileo only thought about how to see the universe up close.
And he succeeded in building his own telescope in 1609!

It was a much more efficient telescope than previous versions, and he became very famous for it.
But the best part was that he could see the stars and the sky much better. He made many observations of our solar system.

In his observations of the sky, Galileo had understood that the Earth was orbiting around the Sun.
He was so excited to share his observations that he published them without the Church’s authorization, which held authority at that time and had a different perspective.

He was arrested and subjected to a trial, forcing him to recant.
It is said that, after the trial, he murmured “Eppur si muove,” which means “and yet it moves,” referring to the movement of the Earth.

Galileo Galilei is known today as “the father of modern astronomy.”
His discoveries changed the way many people thought about how the solar system works, and he is also considered the founder of physics as a science.
He died in 1642 at the age of 78.
End of the biography for kids of Galileo Galilei from Colorin Tells.
Si te gustó la historia de Galileo Galilei, te invito conocer mis libros de la colección Colorin cuenta la vida de Hombres y Mujeres, en dónde podrás conocer las vidas de muchos personajes importantes de nuestra historia.
O puedes conocer el mini libro electrónico de la vida de Galileo, Colorin cuenta Galileo Galilei.

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