Hello friends, today I’m going to tell you the story of David and Goliath for children, or how little David defeated big Goliath.
In this story originally written in the Bible, we’ll see an important moral showing that size doesn’t matter as much as intelligence, and even the smallest can overcome the largest if they believe in themselves.
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David and Goliath – A Bible story for kids
A long time ago, David was born. He was the youngest son in a family of shepherds living in Israel.

He helped take care of his family’s sheep and brought food to his older brothers who were in the army of King Saul, fighting against the Philistines, a people seeking to conquer them.

The Israelite warriors were very afraid because Goliath, a very, very large and very, very strong man, was in the Philistine army.

Every morning, Goliath challenged the people of Israel.
– Send someone to fight against me! If they defeat me, we will be your slaves, but if I win, you will be our slaves! – Goliath shouted, overly confident that he could defeat any of the Israelites.

He was so strong and feared that no one wanted to fight against him.
Until one day, David arrived a little earlier at the camp to give food to his brothers and heard Goliath’s threat for the first time.

– Why doesn’t anyone want to fight against him? – David asked his brothers.
– Nobody has the courage to face this giant… – his brothers replied.
– If no one else wants to do it, then I will, – said David.
– Youuuu? But you’re not a warrior, and you’re so small. How could you defeat such a large man? – his brothers said.

The king learned of this discussion between the brothers and approached David.
– Yes, I am small, but I am also brave – said David confidently.
– Then you will fight against this giant, and I will lend you my helmet, my armor, and my weapons – King Saul told him.

The armor was too big for David, and the weapons were so heavy that he couldn’t even lift them.

So he rejected them, ran to the nearest river to pick five smooth stones, and returned to the battlefield with his sling and stones to face Goliath.

Seeing him, the giant became angry and laughed at him.
– Hahaha. You, are going to fight? What can you do against me, little one?
– You will regret sending such a small young man to fight against me.
– I can defeat you! – David said, hearing Goliath’s mockery.

And at that moment, David took his sling, placed a stone in it, started spinning it around and around, and suddenly launched the stone with all his might.
The stone hit Goliath between the eyes “BAM,” and the giant fell slowly without being able to make another move. David had defeated Goliath!

That’s it, my friend.
Remember that humility is very important, and everyone, regardless of their size, can achieve great things if they really want to and are not afraid to try.

End of the Bible story for children David and Goliath
La historia de Jonás y la ballena es una de las varias historias de la Biblia del libro Colorin cuenta la Biblia – Cuentos de la Biblia -.
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